


REV. 6

On May 18, 1980, at ecactly 8:31 a.m., billions of pounds of rock, water and trees evaporated, molten rock, and boiling mud flattened 150 square miles surrounding Mt. St. Helens.

In one millisecond, all the rumblings, clouds of grey steam, and dancing seismographs of the months prior to that had pointed to the cataclysm coming — converged and she blew.

For days the evening news showed the frightened tourists and residents fleeing. But one scene will always be remembered. It was the caretaker of the Lodge on the scenic lake just 5 miles north of the volcano. Harry Truman and 16 cats lived at the door of doom and wouldn’t leave. In one instant they vaporized because they didn’t heed warnings.

Turn to Rev. 3:14 — Laodicea is a church so much like us today, v. 1422.

Listen to Elwood McQuaid, April, 1990 Moody Monthly. Insight 5/21/90, exodus USSR from Israel. What can we learn? God has written the conclusion to history! Trust Him completely. If people are the only investment that lasts…. invest heavily in disciplemaking. God has left us a job to do! Therefore, obey Him now. If you haven’t started daily contact in the word and prayer, start
tonight. If you haven’t decided to sacrificially support His church, start tonight. If you haven’t started to give out the good news, start tonight. God has indicated the earth is doomed; therefore, seek Him first. Pleasing God and making disciples must be a priority!