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This is the only attribute of God that gets the ultimate emphasis.
Remember that Jesus never calls Himself love, love, love.
He is holy, holy, holy.
So this letter is coming from the holy, holy, holy One from the holy, holy, holy place.
If you read Revelation 5 and the description of heaven, this is what we’ll be saying forever in heaven.
This is the name that rings out in the throne room of the universe, the only name to get the ultimate emphasis.
How does this truth make for a forever-changed life?
How does Jesus’ holiness apply to me?
Well, the Philadelphians got it, and they understood what to do with this truth from Peter’s letter that was passed around this region.
1 Peter 1:15-16 says, “But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’”
We are called by Someone who is holy—uncorrupted, un-fallen, unpolluted.
And that begins to change us, all the way down to our behavior.
That word for “conduct” is also translated “behavior,” or “way of life.”
When you believe right, you behave right, and the church at Philadelphia believed in a Jesus Christ who is holy, holy, holy.
And that truth changed their behavior, their conduct, their way of life, forever.