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LIVING IN GOD’S FAMILY: It’s true. Nothing, absolutely nothing on this earth is more important to us when the chips are down than the members of our family. Do everything possible to cultivate those relationships.
Author, J. Allan Petersen, writing on this very subject, tells of a traumatic experience he endured that drilled this fact home. It happened on an airplane. What do you think would be your last thought, your last unscheduled thought, and word if you knew that in a minute or two your life was over…?
Immediately that should grab all our hearts about our beloved family members. But long term, it should also touch us as we think about our new family, our wider family in Christ. That is what Paul heads to as he winds up this letter to his friends and family members in Thessalonica. He has repeated the theme of expecting Christ’s coming each moment of life. He adds this final thought, “Living in God’s Family” is a powerful privilege. While we wait for Jesus it is our responsibility to care for that family in Christ. Note these special areas he outlines in this section:
1. While waiting for Jesus we should be LOVING OUR LEADERS: (12-13) Our family obligations to our LEADERSHIP
2. While waiting for Jesus we should be LOVING OUR FAMILY: (14-15) Our family obligations to our PARTNERS IN CHRIST
3. While waiting for Jesus we should be LOVING OUR LORD: (16-18) Our family obligation to our INNER LIEFE
4. While waiting for Jesus we should be LOVING TO WORSHIP: (19-22) Our family obligation to our SHARED WORSHIP
Paul’s favorite name for Christians Brethren 60 x N.T. 27 x I/II Thess. What is a Christian?
 I Pet. 1:22-25 = Born again word H.S.
 II Pet. 1:3-4 = Partaking God’s nature
Then part of the brand new family of God! So to a brand new family in Greece Paul writes back to help them function as a family!