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I believe that we must pause and reflect on the destination of all those travelers from the earth. JESUS DID – HE preached about Hell at the height of His popularity. Look with me at Matthew as Jesus gives the most complete warning in all of God’s Word about the eternal horrors of Hell.
In Matthew Jesus explains that life has:
– 2 ENTRANCE GATES – the wide and the small
– 2 ROADS – broad and narrow
– 2 DESTINATIONS – destruction and life
– 2 GROUPS OF TRAVELERS – many and few
– 2 LIFESTYLES – the sayers and the doers
– 2 INEVITABLE ENDS – being thrown into fire and entering the kingdom of heaven
Then He specifically warns everyone to flee, to avoid at all costs, to do whatever it takes to not end up in the Lake of Fire.
LET’S NOTE HIS WORDS – FOR HE WOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS. He created the measureless universe. He calls the numberless stars by name. He has numbered each of the hairs upon our heads, the days of our lives, the words we will give an account to Him for.
YES, HE IS QUALIFIED TO SPEAK, AND DOES, WARNING US OF HELL! AND, HE DOES SO 40+ TIMES IN MATTHEW ALONE – LET’S LOOK AT THEM. In fact, get a pen and mark these on paper or in your Bible. WHY? Hell is being lost by our generation as a true doctrine. The respected British theologian John Stott has recently moved away from it as are others. But no matter what men do, if Jesus Christ preached it, so should we.