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Bonnie & I are so excited to teach the gathered evangelists of the UK Evangelistic Association tomorrow. We are Zooming into their quarterly gathering and sharing what God has really laid upon my heart. I’ve entitled the Conference: MAKING DISCIPLES IN A HOSTILE WORLD IN THE FIRST CENTURY & TODAY—Following Jesus hasn’t changed for 2,000 years…

Sharing Christ has always been hard. Nothing infuriated the religious leaders of Jesus’ day than when He claimed to be the Messiah, Christ Jesus the Lord. They killed Him. Then the wider leaders of the Roman Empire’s furthest reaches hunted down the Twelve and martyred or exiled them all. So, facing hostility today is nothing new—neither are the Divine resources available.

The same Holy Spirit power that raised Jesus from the grave, empowered the Apostles, ignited the Church of the Book of Acts, and has kept the Gospel flames burning since. Jesus gave an amazing promise in one of His final letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 3 that crystallizes His plan for these past 2,000 years. He said that He has set before them (and all of us through the centuries) an OPEN DOOR that no one can shut.

Jesus made an astounding promise in the Great Commission: v. 20 and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Jesus is personally supervising the spread of the Gospel in this world through each generation.

Always remember that—IT IS THE DUTY OF EACH GENERATION TO REACH THEIR GENERATION WITH THE GOSPEL (as Jack Wyrtzen used to say). So if we just follow His plan, Christ always triumphs through us.

The plan is clear and that is what we are going to study today in the Biblical Challenge to share the Gospel in our increasingly hostile world…