NR8-14  WFM-07


I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE (6:35) – JESUS IS ALL I NEED TO FEED MY STARVING SOUL; apart from Him is only unsatisfied hunger.

  • The internal gnawing pain that hunger brings is the illustration of our condition apart from Christ.
  • Jesus alone feeds our soul and satisfies our hungers, all else is emptiness, hopelessness and empty mirages.
  • Jesus said I am your food that satisfies; I am the Bread you need. I have settled the longings of your soul, I can satisfy all the hungers of your life. What do you really hunger for?
  • Believers are HUNGERING FOR JESUS AS MY BREAD OF LIFE. “I AM the Bread of life” (6:35,41,48,51).

I AM THE LIGHT OF WORLD (8:12) – JESUS IS ALL I NEED TO LIGHT MY DARKENED SOUL; apart from Him is only impenetrable darkness.

  • Jesus said I am the Light, I have settled the darkness of fear, the darkness of death, the darkness of dying, it is all settled by Me!
  • Believers are WALKING WITH JESUS WHO LIGHTS MY PATH OF LIFE. “I AM the Light of the world” (8:12).

I AM THE DOOR OF LIFE TO MY SHEEP (10:7,9) – JESUS IS ALL I NEED TO ENTER INTO GOD’S FAMILY, apart from Him is only hopeless exclusion.

  •  Jesus said I am the Door of Life, all your security and access needs are settled, by Me!
  • In ancient sheepfolds dotting the hills and valleys of Israel, the doorway was made so that the shepherd himself would lie down at night and become the door so that no sheep could wander out without stumbling over him and no predator could slip in without stirring him.
  • So Jesus says I keep you safe from harm and secure from wandering away from my salvation!
  • Believers are ENTERING THROUGH JESUS WHO IS MY DOOR TO LIFE. “I AM the Door of the sheep” (10:7,9).


  • Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd who died; I have settled the issue of the unknown.
  • I am your companion through life and death.
  • Jesus gives us the perfect example of how to live and how to die!
  • Believers are FOLLOWING THE GOOD SHEPHERD WHO IS THE SAVIOR OF MY LIFE. “I AM the Good Shepherd” (10:11,14).

This morning we meet our Good Shepherd.
As Jesus introduces Himself in John 10:11 as the Good Shepherd, we are drawn to the picture most of us know and love.

When Jesus introduced Himself as the Good Shepherd He was declaring that though sheep are not people, and people are not sheep there is an amazing likeness. This morning as we examine these incredible animals and those who led them as shepherds, we can see the truths Jesus was declaring. We NEED a shepherd and He is the BEST and ONLY GOOD SHEPHERD!

Jesus has three magnificent titles as God’s chosen Shepherd in the New Testament.

  • John 10:11 He is introduced as the Good Shepherd who dies for His sheep. He came as God’s Prophet and died as predicted in Psalm 22.
  • Hebrews 13:20 introduces Jesus as the Great Shepherd who lives for His Sheep. He lives as God’s Priest in the present making intercession for us as described in all present tenses in Psalm 23.
  1. In 1st Peter 5:4 He is introduced as the Chief Shepherd who returns for His sheep. He will return as God’s King as Psalm 24 promises.

Three thousand years ago David said that the Lord is my Shepherd, two thousand years ago Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd. Today shepherds have changed little, sheep have changed less, and the Lord hasn’t changed at all!

Please stand and meet our Good Shepherd in the 23rd Psalm who ever lives for us His sheep.


When the Jesus introduces Himself the 4th time in the Gospel by John He says I am your Good Shepherd. David confidently declared that in the 23rd Psalm when he said, “The Lord is my Shepherd”. That was amazing and wonderful. But the next line of the 23rd Psalm is the overwhelming one. “I shall not want”. In the context it was as Christ’s sheep that David would not want. That is the miracle! Sheep in their natural and normal state are about the most helpless and weak of all creatures all through their lives!

But37 why does God call us His sheep? Maybe because sheep are such wonderful animals: sheep provide wool for fine and warm clothing; sheep provide mutton the most easily digested of all meat; sheep provide milk that helps with childhood diseases; sheep provide lanolin which has hundreds of useful applications; and sheep provide the soft sheepskin blankets that comfort the sick and elderly.

Or it may be, however, because sheep are the most helpless animals known in the world of zoology. They always lose their way. In the amazing aggregation of entertainment and instruction that modern man calls the circus, we have seen almost every known animal perform, but we have never seen a trained sheep. A dog or cat, all the farm animals, and everything that can be caught in traps, may be taught to perform for the amusement of man with the apparent exception of the sheep.

Perhaps the Lord God, considering the utter helplessness of the human family, just shook His head and said, “We will call them sheep.”

  • SHEEP ARE UTTERLY HELPLESS and cannot find their way without a guide…. Though there be pasture within easy reach, the sheep is apparently incapable of finding it for itself. It must have a guide. So God, looking at stupid, lost humanity, said, “All they like sheep have gone astray.”
  • Sheep are among the MOST TENDER OF CREATURES, always suffering hurt and pain. We have skinned the carcasses of many of them, but we have never seen a sheep pelt that was unscarred or unbruised. They spend half their days bleating because of physical distress, and the rest of their time bumping into something else to hurt themselves again. Without natural joy because of the tenderness of their constitution, they become the perfect type of man. They are dependent, and must always be provided for. Indeed, their only alluring quality is their very helplessness.
  • SHEEP ARE EXTREMELY VULNERABLE they can’t tell the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous plants so they are easily sickened by improper eating habits.
  • SHEEP ARE AMONG THE DIRTIEST ANIMALS associated with man. The natural tendency of wool in its raw and wild state is to pick up any defilement with which it comes into contact. There is a very unpleasant odor that is natural to the sheep, and this has been one of the chief reasons for the dislike engendered in the cowboy’s breast. Mud dries on the pelt of the sheep in the most bedraggled patterns imaginable. The adherence of the mud is persistent. No matter how dry it may become, it does not seem to powder and fall away. Above all creatures that are associated with the life of man, the sheep in unquestionably the dirtiest. The poet who sings the praise of the snow-white sheep rarely sees them in their typical natural conditions, journeying together in great flocks. The dust of their passage adheres to their person until they become as brown as the terrain over which they travel.
  • SHEEP ARE OFTEN MINDLESS they will all begin to follow one restless lamb even if it is away from the flock and shepherd. When one aged ewe sinks in tiredness to rest and chew often they all sink to the ground and follow suit for no reason than that they are followers of almost anything.
  • Of all the creatures in the world, THE SHEEP HAS THE GREATEST NEED OF CLEANSING. So God looked at pitiable humanity, foul and unclean, bearing the marks of their passage through centuries of sin, and said, “We will call them sheep.”
  • Sheep are one of the few animals TOTALLY INCAPABLE OF SELF- CLEANSING. The dirtier a sheep gets, the more helpless it becomes. In this respect it seems to be below the hog. Many times we have seen a pig rubbing its person against the lower railing of the fence, scratching off the caked mud – but a sheep, never. So God looked at poor faulty humanity and said, “If We don’t clean them, they’ll never be cleansed. We will call them Our sheep.” So that is why Jesus introduces Himself the Good Shepherd –

Sheep are the most often spoken of animal in God’s Word. The words for sheep number 600 times in God’s Word, if herds and flocks are added they number 1,000 plus! In the Old Testament world a bunch of sheep was less than 100 sheep, a flock of sheep numbered 100 to 1,000. A band of sheep was more than 1,000 and would often stretch for miles. But the Lord is MY Shepherd; though there may be dozens, hundreds or even thousands in a large flock (or band) each one was uniquely known by the shepherd. But though there were countless sheep, there is always only one shepherd! Jesus is the One Shepherd of His One Flock! And to think that the Great God and Creator of this Universe watches over me like a shepherd. So that I can know what He is like He used a term I can study and understand.

As an ancient shepherd watched over every event in the life of his sheep from being there at their birth, watching over them in helplessness of infancy, watching them grow and learn, guarding them as they slept, checking their health, nursing their wounds, pulling their thorns, setting their broken bones, leading them through dangers, guiding them to unfouled waters, and finally finding the kindest and swiftest way to end their life at the most appropriate moment of either weakness, sickness or health. And to think that is how closely my Good Shepherd is watching over me! He knows my date of birth, weight, pulse, biopsy report, blood pressure, and date of death. He is my Good Shepherd!

Ancient and modern shepherds use one syllable words for come, water, and so on. That is all sheep can understand. If you count the words of the 23rd Psalm in all the various translations you get different numbers. I have 117 in my NKJV. So the 50 Hebrew words come out to 110-122 English words. Isn’t it interesting that the 23rd Psalm is 85 % one syllable words? He our Shepherd wants us to understand! Notice the Psalm starts with multiple references to the Lord in the 3rd person: He makes, He leads. But them in the middle in shifts closer and more personally to “You are with me”, and “You prepare”. There is a growth in intimacy and access, which goes from knowledge to worship! Instead of talking about the Lord, the Psalmist talks to the Lord.

So Jesus is the Good Shepherd, He knows us and –


The two strands of this Psalm are: “The Lord is my Shepherd” and the fitting response to this wonderful relationship “I shall not want”. Contented sheep are the mark of a skilled shepherd. Contented believers are the testimony of a satisfying Good Shepherd. One friend in ministry once wrote these words describing his elderly grandmother. Think of her and then think of your own life and love for our Good and satisfying Shepherd.

A lasting memory for me is of my grandmother serenely sitting in the family rocking chair, peering through dime store glasses at the large print of a big Bible on her lap. She was old, diabetic, widowed, and poor. Her little house consisted of a kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bath. Her church was across the street. She walked two blocks to cash her meager welfare check and pay her utilities. Her groceries were delivered to the back door. Her kitchen stove burned wood. Her oil heat needed constant regulating. The uncarpeted floor was always drafty. The roof leaked. The lawn was in need of care. She had buried parents, husband, two of her twelve children, and even some of her grandchildren. All of her living children had long since left town – many of them hundreds of miles away. But I never heard her complain. She was content. Whenever I’d ask if I could get her anything, the answer was always the same: “I have everything I need.”

In this greedy grasping world of ours, that sort of contentment is rare. That kind of contentment is irresistible attractive to the people of the world who think that wealth consists of the abundance of things, rather than the absence of wants38.

Sheep are always branded by their owners. In modern times it is most often by cutting marks into their ears. Other methods are also used, maybe the burn of a branding iron, marks dyed on the skin, or a notch cut in an ear. The sheep were always recognized by their brand. As God’s sheep we also are known by our brand. Contentment, that supernatural strength to live with little and be satisfied, is the mark of Christ’s sheep! I shall not want simple means I have everything I need!

So Jesus as the Good Shepherd knows us, satisfies us, and –


All sheep must have four needs met to survive. They must be:

  1. Free from fear of predators like wolves, cougars, dogs, snakes, and bears or they will neither eat nor rest.
  2. Free from friction with the other members of the flock or they disturb, agitate and trouble all of the other sheep as they try to eat and rest.
  3. Free from hunger or they are so restless that they wander, lead others astray or just wear themselves out and become easy prey for predators and dangers.
  4. Free from the constant pests of flies (black, bot, warble, deer, nasal), gnats, ticks, flukes, wounds, poisonous weeds.

If sheep are not checked they develop infections in their wounds.
If they are not guided they drink fouled water and develop liver flukes that slowly kill them.
If they are not oiled in the summer with special oils they are distracted to sickness and even death by the nasal flies that lay eggs in the soft tissue of their noses. The eggs hatch into larvae which burrow up into their sinuses and cause they run hit their head on rocks, rub their noses until their raw, or even get infected to the point of blindness and even death.

Ancient and modern shepherds have made oil with sulfur and spices that repels the flies, prevents the eggs from being laid, and calms the sheep in the summer “fly season”. Without protection the sheep are irritable, fearful, and restless. They run from the flies, tossing their heads for hours, rubbing their heads, hiding in bushes and just acting panicked. This leads to lack of nourishment, abandonment of care for the young, and general weakness. The application of oil is astounding, the flock grows quiet, the sheep return to eating.

So in our lives the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the moment-by-moment appropriation of God’s power over the pests that irritate and nag us in life. Only the oil of the Holy Spirit can free us from frustrations and irritations. Only the Holy Spirit can quiet us and bring us to contentment.

At salvation we received all of the Holy Spirit. But to possess Him and to be controlled by Him are two vastly different conditions. Shepherds can carry gallons of nasal fly oil but until it is applied there is no relief.
It’s the application that matters.

To be safe from all wounds, pests, diseases, and dangers they learned to trustingly pass under the rod of their shepherd as he moves the rod and his hands over their fur to check and clean and protect them. Sounds like the prayers of David in Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting. NKJV

To us that means awareness of the presence of God’s Spirit, daily application of His power, His Word, His control.
To us that means asking for the Holy Spirit’s control, filling, and leading – and then living under His guidance!

It means bowing my infected head for His daily inspection and cleansing. It means submitting my rebellious will for a periodic dip to purge the sin. It means being filled by God’s Spirit moment by moment.

Only God’s Spirit can calm the irritations of life.
Only God’s Spirit can bring peace to my world.
Only God’s Spirit can restore me to regular feeding and growth.
Not just in summertime do we need anointing, we need Him DAILY!

So Jesus as the Good Shepherd knows us, satisfies us, provides for us and –


The theme of Christ’s Good Shepherding is that He frees us from all want. If the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not be in want.

  • When I follow Jesus as my Good Shepherd I SHALL NOT LACK REST FOR I LIE DOWN IN GREEN PASTURES.
  • When I follow Jesus as my Good Shepherd I SHALL NOT LACK LIFE FOR HE RESTORES MY SOUL.
  • When I follow Jesus as my Good Shepherd I SHALL NOT LACK GUIDANCE FOR HE GUIDES ME IN THE PATHS.
  • When I follow Jesus as my Good Shepherd I SHALL NOT LACK SAFETY FOR YOU WALK ME THROUGH THE VALLEY. Note that the fearfulness of the dark valley causes a change from 3rd person “he” to 2nd person “you”. What has changed? The weak and needy sheep need the close presence of the shepherd. So we especially experience Christ’s presence in those valleys!

So Jesus as the Good Shepherd knows us, satisfies us, provides for us so we lack nothing. But how can He do so much?



  • Jehovah-Raah (The Lord the shepherd – Psalm 23:1) The Lord is my shepherd. Jesus says I AM your SHEPHERD.
  • Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord will provide – Genesis 22:13-14) I shall not want. As the Good Shepherd Jesus says I AM your PROVIDER
  • Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord our peace – Judges 6:24) He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. As the Good Shepherd Jesus says I AM your PEACE
  • Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord will restore or heal – Exodus 15:26) He restores my soul; As the Good Shepherd Jesus says I AM your RESTORER
  • Jehovah-Tsidkenu (The Lord our righteousness – Jeremiah 23:6) He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. As the Good Shepherd Jesus says I AM your RIGHTEOUSNESS
  • Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord our banner – Ex .17:8-15) Yea, though I walkthrough the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. As the Good Shepherd Jesus says I AM your VICTORY.
  • Jehovah-Shammah (The Lord is present there – Ezekiel 48:35) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. As the Good Shepherd Jesus says I AM your Ever Present God.

Finally, is Jesus yours?

Jesus is all we need. He is our Good Shepherd, so we need no longer fear the outcome of our battle with evil. Christ has conquered! We have conquered! And we will conquer!

  • LESSON ONE: COME TO CHRIST FOR SALVATION. If you are empty, call out to Christ. Do not let yourself go through another day without coming to him. Be born again, receive life, be filled, be delivered, and join the victory parade! If you are spiritually dead—without resurrection life—under sin—under guilt—empty, Christ invites you to come to him: Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. (Isaiah 55:1, 2) The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17)
  • LESSON TWO: LOOK ONLY TO CHRIST FOR SATISFACTION. Cultivate human relationships, but do not look for ultimate fulfillment in them because they will disappoint you. Energetically pursue your career, but do not imagine that you will find transcending fulfillment in it. In Christ we have everything. May our prayer be: I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. (Philippians 3:10)
  • LESSON THREE: BE FILLED WITH CHRIST’S SPIRIT. Our lives can be victorious. Jesus has been there before us; He has met the worst Satan can give and has been victorious. The most important factor in victorious Christian living is to be filled with the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9). Christ is the victor over temptation and sin. His very words to us are, “[T]ake heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). When Martin Luther was asked how he overcame the Devil, he replied, “Well, when he comes knocking upon the door of my heart, and asks ‘Who lives here?’ the dear Lord Jesus goes to the door and says, ‘Martin Luther used to live here, but he has moved out. Now I live here.’” When Christ fills our lives, Satan has no entrance.
  • LESSON FOUR: STAY FILLED WITH CHRIST’S WORD. The other factor in the victorious Christian Life is to be filled with God’s Word. In response to each of the three temptations, Christ answered with Scripture (Deuteronomy 8:3, 6:16, and 6:13). He knew the truth of, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). Why is this so? God’s Word reveals God’s mind, and God’s mind cannot be subject to sin. Therefore, if we fill our hearts with his Word, sin and temptation cannot dominate.


37 Drawn from Don Baker, The Way of the Shepherd, p. 2 and Harry Rimmer, Science, p. 248.