REV 1-5-6
Here is the lesson I taught in connection with the visit to the Lateran Church here in Rome.
Pergamos to Rome: Three hundred years later, Rome moved into power, Julius Caesar had all the priestesses and priests of Semiramis moved from Pergamos to Rome. That’s history. You can read that yourself. Julius Caesar had a great idea about having more power if he could combine a false religion with his system. You see, he knew what every good conqueror knows; you’ve got to get the people religiously. When the worship of Semiramis arrived in Rome, the chief priest of the Mystery Religions in Rome took the title Pontifex Maximum and it was imprinted on his miter. The title had to do with the worship of a god called Dagon the Fish-god. From then on, every emperor in Rome wore the title Pontifex Maximum.
Constantine & Christianity: During the year A. D. 306 a Roman emperor named Constantine was threatened by a very powerful enemy army. Realizing that his uneasy troops needed confidence, Constantine claimed to have seen a vision on the eve of the battle. He saw a large blue flag with a red cross on it and heard a mighty voice that said In hoc signo vinces — “in this sign conquer.”
Babylonianism to The Church: In 381 A.D., the Roman emperor Gratian refused to wear the paraphernalia of Babylonianism, but he passed it to the Roman Pope Damasus. Since Damasus, every Pope of Rome has worn the garb of Babylon–the fish hat, the crosier, and the keys of Janus and Cybele. In our days, Pope John Paul II and his most recent successor, Pope Benedict XVI, wears the garb of Babylonian idolatry. As the pagans had worshipped their gods (icons of their deceased pontiffs) in their pantheons and temples, they now worshipped their patron saints and their lcons in cathedrals and churches.
Seven Reasons I am not a Roman Catholic: The first reason why the Roman Catholic church is wrong is because of the doctrine of Christ’s being offered over and over in the Mass. The second reason is because of the inordinate place that Mary. Thirdly, because they have elevated tradition over the Scripture. Mass, with their doctrine of Mary. Fourthly, because of the veneration or worship of images. The scriptures tell us that God is not to be reduced into a physical form. He is not to be worshipped by anything we can make with our hands. Fifthly, Because of the false teachings about the sacraments. The Roman church teaches that grace is infused through the operation of these sacraments, and that grace can be earned instead of being imputed by God. Sixthly, the teaching of the Roman Catholic church about purgatory is a falsehood. Finally, many practices of Roman Catholicism are tied to ancient paganism’s rites. There are some people in the Catholic Church who have met Jesus Christ and I praise God for that, but they had to do it circumventing their own theology if they even knew their own theology.
Christ’s message for them and to us today is: Stay separate from false doctrine and evil