


Our eternal destiny is determined by who we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is – the Scriptures say I John 5:12 “He that hath son…” ONLY TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE. -THE HAVES & THE HAVE NOTS -HAVE SON = ETERNAL LIE -HAVE NOT SON = DEATH

There are no exceptions. Christ said John 14:6 “The way—apostles Acts 4:12 “none other name.”

THUS, THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST IS THE KEY TO OUR ETERNAL DESTINY. I John 4:6 – Hear = Have 2 John 7-11 – Don’t listen to error.

So what Christ said about the Word of God makes it divinely authoritative or sufficient, but you may say that circular reasoning – Scripture inspired because Divine Lord said so, the Lord Jesus Christ is divine because the Word of God said so (that’s circular).

We don’t believe because of that. That’s not the biblical argument. The biblical argument is not circular, but linear.

Follow me now: 1. We don’t begin to assume the inspired, we are trying to establish it, now then – 2. Rather, let’s go to the Gospels and see the portrait of Christ, without any doctrinal belief inspiration and authority of the Scripture. 3. We find and take at face value some first century eyewitness reports of those events. 4. Wow! While reading, the Holy Spirit moves in our heart and we believe that testimony of who He is putting our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 5. Our Lord gives us a doctrine of Scripture which is actually His own view of their authority and sufficiency which wasn’t ours at the start.
To crystallize this concept, let me share what one man1 has written:

Thus the argument runs not in a circle (Scripture witnesses to Jesus who witnesses to Scripture) but in a line) historical documents evoke our faith in Jesus, who then gives us a doctrine of Scripture).

The central issues relates, therefore, not to the authority of the Bible, but to the authority of Christ. If he accepted the Old Testament as God’s Word, are we going to reject it? If he appointed and authorized His apostles, saying to them “he who receives 1 R.W. Stott, The Authority of Scripture, p.

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you receives me,” are we going to reject them? To reject the authority of either the Old Testament or the New Testament is to reject the authority of Christ. It is supremely because we are determined to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ as Lord that we submit to the authority of Scripture.

Okay – We’ve come to Word of God. Holy Spirit led to faith Christ – Christ gives doctrine-Bible.

WHAT’S THAT THEN?  Christ affirmed the entire Old Testament (Adam, Noah, Jonah…)  Christ affirmed its historical figures.  Christ affirms its miraculous events  Christ made preparation for inspiration of New Testament.

HOW? 1. He said Scripture is authoritative. (Matt. 5:17-19) – Heaven and Earth. 2. He used them constantly. (Matt. 19:4) – Have not read. 3. He followed their plan. (Matt. 26:54) – Fulfilled Scripture. 4. He opposed any who didn’t. (Mark 12:18) – Ignorant. 5. He impressed apostles with their part. (John 14:26) Holy Spirit brings words – John 16:13 – Holy Spirit guide.

DID IT WORK? Yes – Peter 2 Peter 1:20-21 – On Old Testament 2 Peter 3:14-18 – Paul wrote Scripture study to grow – resist those contests with the flesh

So, Peter, the chief apostolic leader Acts 1:12 – Remember –  Jews Chapter 2  Samaritans Chapter 8  Gentiles Chapter 10

WHO ELSE? John John 20:31 Eternal Life I John 1:1-4 EyeWitness I John 4:6 Listen us = Listen God I John 5:12 Have our portrait Christ = eternal life

So, because we by faith believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we affirm His view-Scripture. He gives a high view of Scripture – can’t be broken (challenged) They are: final authority – literal, word for word truth – given by God (inspired). Apostles completed agree! Did the church?

Yes – Look at birthday of Body of Christ. Acts. 2:42.

*What did the new-born church feed on? The apostles’ teaching.

What was that? Let’s analyze. Look at 2:14-26 – Peter’s Sermon.

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1. v. 16-21= Old Testament –Joel 2:28-32. 2. v.22-24 New Testament!! Scriptures 3. v.25-28 David Old Testament Psalm 16:8-11 4. v.29-34A New Testament Interpretation = Scripture 5. v.34-35 Old Testament Psalm 110:1 6. v.36 New Testament Scripture

So, Christ, apostles and early church saw Old Testament/New Testament as sole authority.

NOW HOLD ON – Everything we believe is based on this truth: Christ said authoritative, so we agree—so that means they are our only foundation for Christian lives.

What’s that equal? Submission to Scripture as sufficient and final authority and all we need for:

1. Christian Discipleship – Why? Word of God – Foundation of • Worship God’s Characteristics • Faith God’s Faithfulness • Obedience God Commands • Hope God’s Promises

All spiritual life depends on knowledge of God. AND WHERE REVEALED? All God’s character, faithfulness, commands and promises revealed in Word of God, therefore to grow Christian disciple – submit to Word of God.

2. Christian Freedom – There is freedom in submission. • “Free” love leads to enslaving lust and guilt and often disease and grief. • Sweet-bonds marriage leads to the most inexpressible joys of a shared life.

Let’s look at the writers themselves. What did they think they were doing? We saw the apostles got the message, but what about the rest?

THE SAID IT PLAINLY: 1. Moses over fifty times in Leviticus “Jehovah called to Moses.” 1:1 Then Lord… 4:1 Then Lord… 6:1 6:8 EXODUS 3:4 God called to him. 3:6 He said… 3:14 God said… 7:14 Lord said… 40:1 Lord spoke… JOHN 8:31-36 Christ taught if continue in sin=servant sin.

How is real freedom found? Through word of God into discipleship – Christ alone! So,

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submission to Word of God is foundational to: Christian Discipleship & Christian Freedom

And that’s the indisputable proof from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself whom we meet by faith… THAT’S ENOUGH! But, for the joy of the rest, God has revealed. Let’s look at the other six proofs of the SS. Remember them: 2. Writers convinced. 3. Unity 4. Endurance 5. Prophecy 6. Science 7. Experience

Scriptures promise that we can be free through the Word of God and our obedient submission to it.  Free from slavery to lust.  Free from bondage to uncontrollable desires.  Free from persistent fear and guilt.  Free from uncontrollable desires – things, security, pleasure

Yes – Christ wants us to even see His power in changing a habit of: Anger, Gossip, Passivity in our family responsibilities.